Hi Marie-Louise and Geoff

I just wanted to reach out and thank you for giving us over 14 amazing years with Holly. We sadly had to say goodbye to her forever yesterday. I was looking over her things/records and came by our email exchanges back in 2009. Not only was she beautiful but she was the best most gentle spirit we’ve been lucky enough to have in our lives. She was the perfect amount of cheeky, fun, loyal, loving, cuddly, and intelligence. She wanted nothing more than to be in our arms (preferably) or be near us.

She moved to Auckland with us in 2012 and her house buddy Cody is still with us, a distinguished old man (terribly cute and intelligent but perhaps a little grumpier with his old age 😊).

I’m sure with the many awesome little beings that you’ve helped bring into this world that you’ve heard about loss from others before but I just wanted to thank you for bring to us our Holly.

Sincerely, Eddie